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This doc relates to the below revision of hardware
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Comet (rev5)

For Pilot users

The all new Mecha Comet

Better in all ways, the next revision of Mecha Comet, coming soon.

Ethernet to Wireless

The purpose of this setup is to share an Ethernet internet connection over a wireless hotspot, enabling other devices to access the internet via the Wireless hotspot created on Mecha Comet.


  • Ensure nmcli and nftables are installed on Mecha Comet.
  • Replace wlan0 and end0 with your actual Wireless interface and outbound network interface names.
  • Ensure mecha comet is connected to the Ethernet network.



Create a Wireless Hotspot

$ sudo nmcli device wifi hotspot \
ifname <wireless-interface> \
con-name <connection-name> \
ssid <ssid-name> \
password "<password>"

Replace the placeholders:

<wireless-interface>: Your Wireless interface name (e.g., wlan0). <connection-name>: Desired connection name (e.g., comet-hotspot). <ssid-name>: Desired hotspot name (e.g., CometHotspot). <password>: Desired password for the hotspot.


Configure IPv4 Method to Shared

$ sudo nmcli connection modify <connection-name> ipv4.method shared

Bring Up the Hotspot Connection

$ sudo nmcli connection up <connection-name>

Configure NAT with nftables

Create a NAT Table

$ sudo nft add table ip nat

Add a NAT Chain

$ sudo nft add chain ip nat POSTROUTING { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }

Add a Masquerade Rule

$ sudo nft add rule ip nat POSTROUTING oif "end0" masquerade


Check the Hotspot Status

$ nmcli device status

Verify nftables Rules

$ sudo nft list table ip nat


  • Replace interface names (wlan0, end0) as needed for your setup.
  • This setup assumes the Mecha Comet's outbound interface is end0. Adjust accordingly.


  • If the hotspot fails to start, ensure the Wireless adapter is not connected to another network.
  • Verify that nftables is enabled and properly configured. By following these steps, you should now have a functioning Wireless hotspot with NAT configured. 🎉