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This doc relates to the below revision of hardware
Mecha Logo

Comet (rev5)

For Pilot users

The all new Mecha Comet

Better in all ways, the next revision of Mecha Comet, coming soon.

Quick Start

The Mecha Comet is a modular, handheld Linux computer. We are pumped to know that you already have one with you, now lets jump right in.


Press the power (⏻) button on the right side of the device for a brief second. You will see a green LED turn on and the display will show the Mecha logo.

If your device doesn't turn on

It's possible that your device's battery is fully discharged. You don't need a special charger, any standard USB (5V or 12V) than can deliver minimum 2A of current will do.


The device will continue to boot for 10-15 seconds, you may see boot animation in between and eventually the home screen will appear like shown below.


Now lets get your Comet connected to your Wi-Fi. Swipe up from the the bottom of the home screen to open the App Drawer, and from there launch the Settings App.


Navigate to Network, and turn on Wireless using the toggle (if not already on). You will see available networks around you.


Tap on your network (or your neighbors 🤐) and you will be asked to enter the password. Do your thing and hit the ✔️ button to get connected. Once connected you should see the WiFi icon on the status bar light up and show the strength.


Go back to the home screen using the Home button on top right of the device, and navigate to your favorite website.

Well done, you are now on the internet 🎉