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This doc relates to the below revision of hardware
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Comet (rev5)

For Pilot users

The all new Mecha Comet

Better in all ways, the next revision of Mecha Comet, coming soon.

C / C++

C and C++ are powerful programming languages commonly used for system-level programming, embedded systems, and performance-critical applications. Both languages can be compiled using GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) or Clang (LLVM-based compiler).

Using GCC

Launch terminal on your Comet or connect via SSH and run the below command.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y build-essential

This installs GCC along with common tools like make and libraries required for compilation. Run the below command to verify if gcc is installed and configured correctly.

$ gcc --version
$ g++ --version

Using Clang

Launch terminal on your Comet or connect via SSH and run the below command.

$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y clang

This installs Clang along with common tools like make and libraries required for compilation. Run the below command to verify if clang is installed and configured correctly.

$ clang --version
$ clang++ --version

Running an example

Let's create a simple "Hello, World!" program to test the installation for both compilers.


Create a new directory, and a new source file.

$ mkdir hello_world && cd hello_world
$ nano main.c

Paste the following program in the editor

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
printf("Hello, C!\n");
return 0;

Now lets compile and run the program.

# Using gcc
$ gcc main.c -o hello_world
$ ./hello_world
Hello, C!

# Using clang
$ clang main.c -o hello_world
$ ./hello_world
Hello, C!

That's it now with gcc or clang installed, you are ready for compiling and running C programs!