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This doc relates to the below revision of hardware
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Comet (rev5)

For Pilot users

The all new Mecha Comet

Better in all ways, the next revision of Mecha Comet, coming soon.


Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is commonly used for developing server-side applications, tools, and APIs. Node.js also includes npm, a package manager for JavaScript libraries.

Install Node.js

We will be using the NodeSource repository that provides up-to-date versions of Node.js. Launch terminal on your Comet or connect via SSH and run the following commands

  1. Add the NodeSource debian repository
# replace <version> with the desired version, e.g., 20.x)
$ curl -fsSL<version>.x | sudo -E bash -

# Example for Nodejs 20.x
$ curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash -
  1. Now lets install nodejs from the repository.
$ sudo apt install -y nodejs
  1. After installation, verify that node and npm are properly installed, by running the commands below.
$ node --version
$ npm --version

Running an example

Let's build a simple "Hello, World!" app to test Node.js on the Comet.


Create a new directory, and a new source file for your go program.

$ mkdir hello_node && cd hello_node
$ nano main.js

Paste the following program in the editor

const main = () => {
console.log('Hello, Node.js!');

Now lets compile and run the program.

$ node main.js
Hello, Node.js!

You are now ready to build and run Node.js based applications 🎉!