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This doc relates to the below revision of hardware
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Comet (rev5)

For Pilot users

The all new Mecha Comet

Better in all ways, the next revision of Mecha Comet, coming soon.


Rust is a systems programming language that emphasizes performance, reliability, and productivity. It provides memory safety without garbage collection and supports concurrent programming without data races. Rust is particularly well-suited for developing system tools, embedded systems, and performance-critical applications.

Install rust using rustup

Rustup is the official installer and version management tool for Rust. To install rustup run the below command.

# Download and run the rustup installer script
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

# Load Rust environment variables into current shell session
. "$HOME/.cargo/env"

After installation, verify that Rust is properly installed

$ rustc --version
$ cargo --version

Running an example

Let's create a simple Hello World program to test the installation:


Create a new directory, and a new source file for your rust program.

$ mkdir hello_rust && cd hello_rust
$ nano

Paste the following program in the editor

fn main() {
println!("Hello, Rust!");

Now lets compile and run the program.

$ rustc
$ ./main
Hello, Rust!

You are now ready to run our favorite crustacean compiler 🦀!