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Update Machine Information

How to Update Machine Information

This guide will walk you through the steps to update the information of a machine in your Mecha Console. Follow the instructions below to modify the machine's icon, name, alias, and tags.

Step 1: Access the Machine Settings

  • Log in to your Mecha Console.
  • Navigate to the Machines section from the top menu (or directly from Console home if present).
  • Select the machine you want to update from the list.

Step 2: Open the Settings Tab

  • Once you've selected the machine, go to the Settings tab.
  • Under Settings, select Information from the left-hand menu. This section will display the machine's current information.

Step 3: Update the Machine Icon

  • Under Machine Icon, you'll see the current icon. To change it, click on the camera icon on the top-right corner of the icon.
  • Upload a new image (JPG or PNG format, max size 1 MB). You can choose from predefined icons or upload your own.
  • Once uploaded, the new icon will be displayed.

Step 4: Modify the Machine Name

  • Below the Machine Icon, you will find the Name field.
  • Click inside the Name field and enter the desired name for the machine.
  • Press Save Changes to save the changes.

Step 5: Update the Machine Alias

  • The Alias field is located below the Name. The alias is used as a substitute for the machine ID in APIs and CLI commands.
  • To change the alias, click inside the Alias field and type the new alias.
  • Ensure the alias is unique across your account.
  • Press Save Changes to save the changes.

Step 6: Add or Update Tags

  • Scroll down to the Tags section. If no tags have been added yet, click on the Add tags button.
  • In the form, enter the tags you wish to associate with this machine and click on the + button.
  • You can add multiple tags for your machine in the same way.
  • Click Save to add the tags.


By following these steps, you have successfully updated the machine's information in the Mecha Console. Remember to review your changes to ensure they meet your desired configuration.

If you encounter any issues or have questions, refer to the Mecha documentation or contact support for further assistance.