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Mecha-Agent is an open-source tool designed to manage and monitor Mecha Machines. It provides a range of services to ensure efficient operation and communication within the Mecha ecosystem.


  • Provisioning: Configuring and setting up Mecha Machines for operation within the network, including initial setup and configurations.
  • Messaging: Facilitating secure communication between Mecha Machines and other components, supporting multiple messaging protocols and real-time data transmission.
  • Machine Status: Monitoring the health and operational status of Mecha Machines, providing alerts for critical issues.
  • Settings: Configuring various operational parameters of the Mecha Agent, including network configurations, logging options, and custom settings.
  • Networking: Managing connectivity aspects of Mecha Machines, supporting different network protocols, and handling dynamic network environments.
  • Telemetry: Collecting and transmitting performance data from Mecha Machines to monitor system health, optimize performance, and analyze machine operations.

Set up Mecha Agent

  • Docker: Deploy the Mecha Agent using Docker containers for a consistent and isolated environment, enabling easy scaling and management across different systems.
  • Linux: Install and configure the Mecha Agent on Linux-based operating systems. Ensure compatibility with various distributions and make use of native system tools for deployment.
  • macOS: Set up the Mecha Agent on macOS environments. Utilize system-specific commands and configurations to ensure smooth operation on both Intel and Apple Silicon architectures.
  • Windows: Install and run the Mecha Agent on Windows operating systems, using available installation packages and compatible tools for seamless integration.
  • Kubernetes: Deploy the Mecha Agent within a Kubernetes cluster for automated orchestration, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
  • Building from source: Compile the Mecha Agent directly from the source code, allowing for custom modifications and optimizations suited to specific deployment requirements.

Create Configuration File

Files in the format of yml are supported. When starting Mecha Agent, you specify the path to the settings file via the -- -s flag. The settings.yml file is used to manage the configuration of Mecha Agent. Here is an example of what the file might look like:

# settings.yml

version: 1.0
enabled: true
path: /var/log/mecha-agent.log
level: DEBUG
port: 3001
tls: false
enabled: true
url: nats://nats:4222
enabled: true
url: nats://nats-machine:4222
get_nonce: /v1/messaging/get_nonce
issue_auth_token: /v1/messaging/issue_token
type: file
path: ~/.mecha/agent/db
time_interval_sec: 60
enabled: true
tun: wg0
port: 51820
userspace: linux
enabled: true
system: true
user: true

Environmental Variables

Environmental variables take precedence over config file values. Nested paths get mapped to config values by putting an underscore __ (double underscore) between every level, so messaging.service_urls.get_nonce becomes MECHA_AGENT_MESSAGING__SERVICE_URLS__GET_NONCE=<value>.

Start Agent

# to build 
cargo build

# to run
sudo cargo run -- -s "./settings.yml"

# env to set settings file path
MECHA_AGENT_SETTINGS_PATH # default ~/.mecha/agent/settings.yml

Supported Platforms

  • Linux

    • Minimum version: kernel 2.6.32 or later
    • Architectures: AMD64, ARM64
  • macOS

    • Minimum version: macOS 10.13 or later
    • Architectures: AMD64 (Intel), ARM64 (Apple Silicon)