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Monitoring and Analyzing Machine Logs


Machine logs provide valuable insights into the operation, health, and performance of your machines. By effectively monitoring and analyzing these logs, you can identify issues, track events, and gain a deeper understanding of your machine's behavior. This guide will help you navigate the logs dashboard, apply filters, and use Grafana for advanced log analysis.

Accessing the Logs Dashboard

  1. From the machine details page in the Mecha Console, select the Logs tab.
  2. The Logs tab provides a real-time view of log messages generated by the machine, including status updates, errors, and informational messages.

Viewing and Understanding Logs

Logs Overview:

The logs are displayed in a table format with several columns:

  • Timestamp: Shows the exact date and time the log message was generated.
  • Log Level: Indicates the severity or type of the log message (e.g., INFO, ERROR, WARNING).
  • Message: Displays the log message content, such as “metrics sent successfully” or “status message published!”

The logs are organized in chronological order, with the most recent entries at the top.

Stream Selection:

  • Use the Stream dropdown menu to select the log stream you want to view.
    • This allows you to filter logs by different sources or categories, focusing on specific types of log data relevant to your analysis.

Filtering and Searching Logs

Search Log Messages:

  • Use the Search bar to enter keywords or phrases to find specific log messages.
    • This is useful for quickly locating particular events or errors, such as "error," "failure," or specific operation names.

Time Query:

  • Apply time filters to view logs for a selected period:
    • Choose options such as Last 5 minutes, Last 1 hour, Last 12 hours, or Custom Range to focus on the time frame of interest.
    • Time filtering allows you to narrow down logs to specific events or periods, making it easier to analyze trends or issues.

Analyzing the Logs

Tail Logs in Real-Time:

  • Use the Tail toggle button to enable real-time monitoring of log messages.
    • This mode automatically updates the log display with new entries as they are generated, which is useful for live debugging or monitoring ongoing operations.

Download Logs:

  • Click the Download button to export logs for offline analysis or archiving.
    • This can be helpful for long-term storage or when sharing log data with other teams.

Explore in Grafana:

  • Click the Explore button to open the Grafana service directly from the Mecha Console.
  • In Grafana, you can:
    • Access and analyze logs in real time using the LogQL language.
    • Create custom queries to filter and display logs based on your needs.
    • Visualize log data with powerful dashboards and tools.

For detailed guidance on how to visualize and explore the logs data effectively in Grafana, refer to How-to Guide: Query Metrics on Grafana.

Setting Up Alerts for Logs in Grafana

Creating Log Alerts:

  • Grafana allows you to set up alerts based on specific log patterns or thresholds.
    • You can create alerts to notify you when certain events occur, such as repeated errors or specific status messages.

For detailed guidance on configuring alerts, refer to the Grafana Alerting Documentation.

Best Practices for Monitoring Logs

  • Regular Monitoring:

    • Monitor logs regularly to catch issues early and ensure system stability.
  • Understand Normal Patterns:

    • Familiarize yourself with normal log patterns and baselines to quickly detect anomalies.
  • Proactive Troubleshooting:

    • Use logs to investigate issues proactively, diagnose root causes, and implement corrective measures.


Monitoring and analyzing machine logs is a key practice for maintaining system health and understanding machine behavior. By leveraging the Mecha Console's log dashboard and Grafana's advanced features, you can efficiently analyze log data, set up alerts, and make data-driven decisions to enhance system performance and reliability.