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This launcher app is built using MCTK, our own GUI library in Rust. It provides an intuitive interface for interacting with system settings, installed apps, and system monitoring tools.


The homescreen serves as the main interface for the user, displaying essential system information and providing access to different functionalities. The following elements are visible:

  • Clock: Shows the current time.
  • Wireless Signal: Displays the current wireless network status.
  • Bluetooth Status: Indicates whether Bluetooth is enabled or disabled.
  • Battery Status: Displays battery percentage and charging status.
  • Device Name: Shows the name of the device.
  • IP Address: Displays the device’s current IP address.
  • Network Status: Indicates whether the device is online or offline.
  • CPU Usage: Displays the current CPU usage percentage.
  • Memory Usage: Displays the current memory usage.

Additionally, the homescreen provides:

  • Link to Settings App: Access the system settings with a quick tap.
  • Pinned Apps: Users can pin their favorite apps for quick access.
Homescreen Preview

Pinned Apps

In the settings.yml file, the pinned_apps section allows you to specify the app IDs of the apps you want to display directly on the homescreen. These are the apps that will be immediately visible for quick access without opening the app drawer.


- org.mecha.connect
- Alacritty
- chromium

In this example, the following apps will be pinned to the homescreen:

  • org.mecha.connect
  • Alacritty
  • chromium

Each app is identified by its app ID, which is a unique identifier for the app. You can modify this list to add or remove apps based on which ones you want to appear on the homescreen.

App Drawer

By sliding up on the homescreen, the App Drawer appears, showing a list of all installed apps. Users can manage apps through the following methods:

  • App Installation:
    • Install apps via terminal using commands like sudo apt install, snap, or flatpak.
  • App Details:
    • Long-pressing an app icon brings up the App Details screen, where users can:
      • Launch the app.
      • Check system usage.
      • Delete the app if needed.
App Drawer:
App Details:

Settings Panel

By sliding down on the homescreen, the Settings Panel is displayed with the following toggles and controls:

  • Wireless: Turn the wireless network on/off.
  • Bluetooth: Enable or disable Bluetooth functionality.
  • Rotation: Toggle screen rotation settings.
  • Terminal Button: Quick access to a terminal window.
  • Power Options: Access the power settings like restart, shutdown, etc.
  • Sound Status/Update: Adjust the sound volume or toggle mute.
  • Brightness Status/Update: Adjust screen brightness by sliding.

Power Options

Clicking on the Power icon Button in settings panel opens the Power Options Screen, where users can:

  • Power off the device.
  • Restart the device.
Power options Preview

Running Apps

Pressing the Home Button once minimizes all open apps and brings the user back to the homescreen. Long-pressing the Home Button brings up a list of all running apps. Users can:

  • Switch between Running Apps: Clicking on a running app will bring that app onto the screen.
  • Close Running Apps: Drag any app up toward the top of the screen to close it.

Status Bar

The Status Bar is visible at the top of the screen when any app is running. It provides essential information and quick access to key functionalities, including:

  • Time: Current time for easy reference.
  • Wireless Status: Shows whether Wireless is enabled or disabled.
  • Bluetooth Status: Shows whether Bluetooth is enabled or disabled.
  • Battery Status: Displays the remaining battery percentage and charging status.

This status bar provides a constant overview of critical system information while ensuring users can quickly access or interact with key elements of the device without leaving the app they are using.

Statusbar Preview

Lock Screen

Pressing the Power Button once will bring up the Lock Screen, securing the device. Long-pressing the Power Button will initiate the device shutdown.

Local Setup

To set up the Launcher app locally, follow these steps:


Ensure you have Rust installed on your system. Follow the installation guide for your platform at Rust Installation Guide.

Installation Steps

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Navigate into the launcher directory:

    cd mechanix-gui/shell/launcher
  3. Copy and Update settings.yml:

    • Before running the Launcher app, you need to set up the settings.yml file in the Launcher directory.
    • The settings.yml file is used for configuring various settings and assets for the Launcher app. You can modify this file to customize the app’s appearance, behavior, and system integrations.
    • Copy the settings.yml.example file to settings.yml in the same directory.
    cp settings.yml.example settings.yml
    • After copying, open settings.yml and update the paths accordingly (such as font paths, icon paths, and other resources).

    Example Path Update:

    If the path in settings.yml is:


    You should change it to something like:

    • This is necessary to ensure that the paths are relative to your project's directory structure.
  4. Run the app:

    cargo run
  5. Build the app:

    cargo build --release