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Mechanix System D-Bus Client

The mechanix_system_dbus_client is a Rust library that provides an easy-to-use client interface for interacting with the Mechanix OS System D-Bus server. It simplifies communication with system services like Bluetooth, Display, and Hardware Buttons using the zbus rust crate.


This library contains the following components:

  1. Proxies for Mechanix System D-Bus services:

    • Provides Rust abstractions for D-Bus methods, signals, and interfaces.
    • Includes functionality for the Bluetooth, Display, and Hardware Buttons services.
  2. Service modules:

    • Each service module exposes user-friendly APIs that wrap the underlying D-Bus proxies.
  3. Modules:

    • Bluetooth: Bluetooth-related operations.
    • Display: Display-related operations.
    • Hardware Buttons: Power and Home button event handling.

Proxies and their functions


This proxy provides a client API for interacting with the Bluetooth service. It allows you to manage Bluetooth adapters, connections, and notifications.


  1. is_connected()

    This method is used to check the Bluetooth connection status (connected or disconnected).

    • 1 (connected)
    • 0 (disconnected)
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  2. status()

    This method is used to check the Bluetooth adapter status.

    • 1 (enabled)
    • 0 (disabled)
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  3. enable_bluetooth()

    This method is used to enable the Bluetooth adapter.

    • On success, nothing is returned.
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  4. disable_bluetooth()

    This method is used to disable the Bluetooth adapter.

    • On success, nothing is returned.
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  5. get_notification_stream()

    This method is used to subscribe to a Bluetooth notifications stream, which emits events like device connected, disconnected, enabled, or disabled.

    • A stream of Bluetooth notification events.


This proxy provides a client API for interacting with the Display service. This module provides an API for display-related D-Bus operations.


  1. set_brightness(value)

    This method is used to set the display brightness.

    • value: Brightness level (0-254).
    • On success, nothing is returned.
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  2. get_brightness()

    This method is used to retrieve the current display brightness.

    • Current brightness level (0-254).
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  3. enable_backlight()

    This method is used to turn the display backlight on.

    • On success, nothing is returned.
    • On failure, an error message is returned.
  4. disable_backlight()

    This method is used to turn the display backlight off.

    • On success, nothing is returned.
    • On failure, an error message is returned.

Hardware Buttons

This proxy provides a client API for interacting with Home and Power Buttons event stream returned by hardware button interface of Mechanix System D-Bus server.


  1. get_notification_stream(path)

    This method is used to subscribe to a Home and Power button notification stream.
    • path: Path to the button interface (e.g., /org/mechanix/services/HwButton/Power to get event stream of Power Button).
    • A stream for button events.

How to Use

  1. Add mechanix_system_dbus_client as a dependency in your Rust project.
  2. Use the appropriate module (e.g., bluetooth) to perform actions.


use mechanix_system_dbus_client::bluetooth::BluetoothService;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Enable Bluetooth

// Get the current Bluetooth status
let status = BluetoothService::status().await?;
println!("Bluetooth status: {}", status);


Stream subscribe Example for Power button:

use mechanix_system_dbus_client::hardware_buttons::{HwButton, Key, KeyEvent};
use std::time::Instant;
use futures::StreamExt;

async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
// Subscribe to the power button event stream
if let Ok(mut stream) = HwButton::get_notification_stream("/org/mechanix/services/HwButton/Power".to_string()).await {
let mut pressed_at: Option<Instant> = None;
const MIN_TIME_LONG_PRESS: u64 = 2; // Long press threshold in seconds

while let Some(signal) = {
if let Ok(args) = signal.args() {
let event = args.event;
match event {
KeyEvent::Pressed(Key::Power) => {
// Record the time when the button is pressed
pressed_at = Some(Instant::now());
KeyEvent::Released(Key::Power) => {
if let Some(press_time) = pressed_at {
// Calculate how long the button was pressed
let power_button_pressed_for = (Instant::now() - press_time).as_secs();
println!("Power button pressed for {:?} seconds", power_button_pressed_for);

// Check if it was a long press
let is_long_press = power_button_pressed_for >= MIN_TIME_LONG_PRESS;
println!("Is long press: {:?}", is_long_press);

// Reset the pressed time
pressed_at = None;

// Handle long press or short press
if is_long_press {
println!("Long press detected");
} else {
println!("Short press detected");
_ => {}



  • zbus: For D-Bus communication.
  • tokio: For asynchronous operations.
  • serde: For serialization and deserialization.