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Writing a Component

Components are the building blocks of an mctk application. There are three types of components: widgets, root components, and simple components.


A widget is a component with rendering capabilities. Many built-in widgets are provided with mctk, such as button, text, image, and div.

Refer to the guide on building custom widgets for more information.

Simple Component

A simple component acts as a parent to a tree of widgets and other components.

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct OurComponent {}

impl Component for OurComponent {}

Root Component

As the name suggests, a root component has no parent. It is the top-level component rendered in an mctk application.

#[derive(Default, Debug)]
struct OurComponent {}
struct ComponentParams;

impl Component for OurComponent {}
impl RootComponent<ComponentParams> for OurComponent {}

Component parameters are passed when the window is opened. These parameters can be accessed in the root function.

impl RootComponent<ComponentParams> for App {
fn root(&mut self, w: &dyn std::any::Any, component_params: &dyn Any) {
let component_params = component_params.downcast_ref::<ComponentParams>().unwrap();