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Make Your First Request

This tutorial will walk you through making your first request to the Mecha API. By the end of this tutorial, you’ll be able to send a request and receive a response, setting you on your way to integrating with the Mecha system.

  • Generating an API Key
    • Prerequisites
      1. Sign Up to Mecha Console
    • Steps to generate an API key
      1. From Mecha Console, go to SettingsAPI Keys

      2. Select Generate key, add key name, select expiry and description


      3. Make sure to copy and save your personal access token(i.e. Key Secret) , as you will not be able to see it again. The key secret is only shown once. Do not store the secret in plaintext where others can access it. Anyone with this token can perform the authorized actions against the resources that the token has access to.


  • Making Authenticated Requests
    • How to use the API key in HTTP requests?

      In the HTTP Headers :

      This is a secure and common method where the API key is included in the request headers.

    • Sample request

      1. Curl Request:
      Curl Request
      1. Bruno example
      API Key Bruno Sample Request

Congratulations on making your first request to the Mecha API! Now that you’re familiar with the process, you can start exploring other API endpoints to build powerful integrations with Mecha.